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Squire Video Player

4.4 ( 4144 ratings )
Developer: Fernando Torcelly

This version of Squire has been replaced and will no longer receive updates.

To find the current version of Squire look for the app with the red icon.

Sorry the inconveniences.

IMPORTANT: in order to make Squire work, you will need to run Squire Helper on your Mac and on the same network your iPhone is. Download it from here (FREE)

What is Squire?
Squire is a media center to watch movies and shows. Read more here


Get a full preview of all your movies and shows available in your library. Easily navigate through all of them.

Play your local files or streams.

Download the subtitles automatically and enjoy.

Squire get images and metadata from TMDB service. All trademarks, service marks, and logos contained on this app, are owned by or licensed to us and are subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights under United States and foreign laws and international conventions. Squire do comply with the conditions the service requires to use that API and which has legal terms over intellectual property rights and copyright policy